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What Should I Do If My Co-Parent Is Not Complying with Agreements?

Here are some suggestions if your co-parent is not complying with your custody or parenting agreements:

Document everything

Keep detailed records of incidents where your co-parent fails to comply, including dates, times, details of what happened, etc. This documentation can be useful if you end up back in court.

Have a conversation

Request a discussion in a neutral location to politely address areas of non-compliance and see if you can reach a mutual understanding. Focus the talk on the wellbeing of the children rather than just attacking the other parent.

Use mediation or arbitration if needed

A neutral third party can sometimes help both sides communicate and find reasonable compromises. These services are often cheaper than going back to court.

Consult your lawyer

Your divorce lawyer can send a letter to the non-complying parent outlining the agreements and areas of concern. Sometimes a stern warning from a legal professional is all that is needed.

File for contempt of court

If all else fails, you can motion the court to find your ex in contempt for violating court-ordered agreements. The judge can order make-up timesharing, fines, and other remedies to compel compliance.

The goal is to encourage cooperation and compliance without constant court intervention. But if your ex blatantly disregards the orders, you may have no choice but to enforce the agreements through formal legal channels. The wellbeing of the children should remain the top priority.

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